Your clients come to you for more than financial and legal information, especially as they age. A significant area of concern is options for aging at home and for assisted living. Today we offer a resource you may find valuable.
I am impressed with AssistedLiving.org, an organization dedicated to solid research on assisted living and other related options for seniors. To peruse their wealth of information, go to www.assistedliving.org and check out the extensive education and resources under each tab.
They offer a comprehensive directory of assisted living facilities across the U.S., including photos, prices, and ratings. In another section, you’ll find information on memory care, independent living, respite care, and nursing home. Under several tabs, there are sections dedicated to veterans and to those living with disabilities and special needs.
You will find (and can offer to your clients) information by city or state that allows your clients to look up the average cost of assisted living care in that area and the state’s financial assistance for assisted living, along with other suggestions for financing it. There is a list of free resources about assisted living in the state and a listing of the state’s relevant laws and regulations.
Finally, they offer articles on a range of topics that you can provide to your clients and their families, including such diverse topics as the best medical alert systems, tips for downsizing, the best gifts for grandmothers, and how to deal with anxiety.
Overall, this site is a comprehensive depository of helpful information. I hope you find it useful and practical, both personally and professionally.