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Private Consulting
with Amy Florian

Private Consulting
with Amy Florian

I call them “Uh Oh!” moments: When you find yourself frozen, not knowing how to respond:

  • An advisor emailed me that his client’s son-in-law died suddenly at the age of 30, leaving behind his widow (the client’s daughter) and three young children. What was he to say, write, and recommend?
  • A client’s teenage son died by suicide, and the advisor wrote to ask how to best support the parents and family.
  • An advisor’s co-worker found out his father just died suddenly of a heart attack, affecting the entire staff as they struggled with what to say and do. 
  • An advisor’s client was diagnosed with serious cancer at the age of 58, just when they had been planning for him to retire in 5 years so the couple could travel the world. Would you know what to say?  

Your Secret to Success

In the past, to get Corgenius training you had to attend one of my conference sessions, hire me for in-office training, or come to my multi-day Master Class. 

Now you can get professional grief support coaching from a true expert, on-demand and one-on-one! Ask questions and learn the perfect words to say and the most helpful things to do, all tailored to your specific situation.

Your clients (and co-workers) will be amazed how you always know just the right thing to say, and you’ll earn life-long trust and loyalty. In addition, you’ll experience the gratifying satisfaction of serving your clients in their most difficult times. 

You can purchase coaching time for $200/hour charged in 15-minute increments, or save 10% by purchasing a block of 5 hours to use whenever you need it.  Get started today and begin the next evolution in your skills as an advisor. Inquire here: